To have a great business, department or organization, you must build great people. The 12 Week Management Master Class will teach you a powerful yet simple management system to install in your operation that will increase productivity, decrease drama and achieve your objectives faster with less drama.
Why Does 12-Week Management
Master Class Work?
Practical Management Skills.
We focus on the vital practices and processes that drive success.
Productivity Boost.
Watch your team's productivity and results soar after implementing what you learn.
Access high-quality training without breaking the bank.
Implementation Support.
Our program ensures you can put your newfound skills into action effectively.
Choose Your Format.
Attend weekly for 85-minute in-person sessions at Landfall Executive Suites or virtually via Zoom.
Let's Talk About It
Give us a call, and let’s talk about it. Don’t worry; there is no pressure or obligation—just a friendly conversation about your management goals and how our class can help.
Preview The Management Master Class
Join us for the upcoming Management Master Class Preview, in which you will get a quick overview of the Management Master Class, get a video sample of the training, and answer all of your questions. No obligation, and we guarantee you will pick up a few management nuggets at no charge.
“The Program has created an increase in productivity, especially in regard to the daily list. It has also given me the tools for accountability. If you struggle with having the time to create and build a system, this is definitely a great program to implement. It's quick changes but if implemented with quick adjustments to fit your business needs, it's well worth it.”
Vanessa Ulmer – Crystal Coast Graphics
“Since starting this program, our company went from a serious lack of communication and miscommunication to establishing meetings to include the entire team so we are now all on the same page. The LION Sheet has been our biggest struggle to implement but is also the biggest asset to getting to where we want to go. I’m glad that the owner of my company didn’t just send one or two members of his management team. The entire management team being involved made it easier to make changes within the company as we were all learning & implementing together.”
Laura Salo – Strickland’s Home
“I know where 5 managers in my company want to go in life as of now. It gave us common talking points as a team. It helped us with a complete system of management and 12 weeks of accountability. We made our money back on the program in the first month!”
Joe Jones – Foxhill Construction
“Provides a fundamental guide on how to effectively manage an organization productively. A set system you can follow that allows you to understand management vs. and how to do both & also what not to do. The Master Class was well worth the cost. Very helpful. I would highly recommend that you put your managers and yourself through the course.”
Chandler Miller – UPS Stores
“The 12 Week Management Master Class is a structured & proven process to follow that creates better communication within the company and management team. We now have increased productivity that has allowed growth within the company to turn the volume up. It gives you the tools to help run your organization smoother & more productivity in a positive way.”
Amy Horton – Strickland Home
“Communication has improved between managers and between managers and their direct reports. We now having a system that is understood & used company-wide. We have also implemented a management council and we are meeting on a regular basis to accelerate growth. I am excited that I can turn the volume up now. I am glad that I was open-minded & dedicated to implementing the system, it will allow me to take my business to the next level.”
Fred Kumpel – Strickland Home